
  • J ter Hoeve, E Laenen, C Marinissen, L Vernazza, G Wang. Region analysis of QED massive fermion form factor, arXiv:2311.16215
  • J ter Hoeve, G Magni, J Rojo, A N Rossia, E Vryonidou. The automation of SMEFT-Assisted Constraints on UV-Complete Models, JHEP (under review), arXiv:2309.04523
  • H La, A Brokkelkamp, S van der Lippe, J ter Hoeve, J Rojo, and S Conesa-Boj. Edge-Induced Excitations in Bi$_2$Te$_3$ from Spatially-Resolved Electron Energy-Gain Spectroscopy, Ultramicroscopy 254 (2023) 113841, arXiv:2305.03752
  • R G Ambrosio, J ter Hoeve , M Madigan, J Rojo, and V Sanz. Unbinned multivariate observables for global SMEFT analyses from machine learning. JHEP 03 (2023), arXiv:2211.02058
  • A Brokkelkamp, J ter Hoeve , I Postmes, S E van Heijst, L Maduro, A V Davydov, S Krylyuk, J Rojo, and S Conesa-Boj. Spatially-Resolved Band Gap and Dielectric Function in 2D Materials from Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy. J Phys Chem A, 126 (2022) 1255, arXiv:2202.12572